Thursday, March 12, 2009

Up and running!.. or Out and About??

I guess I'm a little late in getting on and getting out there! But as they say better late than never!

I find there are times when I'm sitting- it may be at work, or at uni, or even at home just before bed while reading a book, and my mind drifts off... I find myself just wanting to shout out all the things running around in my head- its like there are sooo many things happening in there- they may not even be a reflection of the events in my life- its just that there is so much going on, so much we experience (even indirectly) that my brain goes into meltdown. All those things which were neatly stored flow into the 'mental agora' and swoosh around all fighting for my attention.

Yes, I know this sounds crazy- but its a serious affliction!

I feel as though the way to ameliorate this is to get it out- just get it out of there and on here. So I warn you- this may be a very varied and somewhat disjointed blog. One week you might see something about the girl I saw walking down the street the other day, and the next thing you know I'll hit you with some deep philosophical thought.

Arrgh... the wonders of a sparse mind.... :)


  1. This is an excellent post Jaymie. Yes the creative manic mind is always on, it is very hard to concentrate it. I do believe blogging as you are currently doing will alleviate your symptoms.

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